In 2004 while I was learning how to listen to myself and remembering who I am, I spent the summer on the ‘pow wow trail’ just ‘being’. I met some new friends and became reacquainted with friends I hadn’t seen in a while. I do not remember exactly how this happened but I had asked a wonderful Elder Margaret Ottertail to share some ‘women’s teachings’ with me. We agreed to meet up at the pow wow in the Pic Mobert First Nation (close to White River Ontario) and as I had been doing all summer, I traveled to the pow wow with friends and we enjoyed the sights and sounds of the pow wow atmosphere.

On the Saturday night, I enjoyed the magnificence of a blue moon from the view of my tent. I didn’t sleep and hadn’t slept the whole weekend. Somehow I could feel that I was on a very powerful journey and I was excited and full of spiritual energy. All full moons provide us with an opportunity to expand our enlightenment of our essential divine nature. The energy and vibrations of the full moons give us a chance to release habits and experiences that no longer serve us and they also provide us with opportunities to really connect with our true essences. I was in a zone. A zone that I didn’t remember happening to me before.

Then on the Sunday morning, August 1 2004, I received my first formal woman’s teachings from Margaret Ottertail. These teachings were straight forward and yet magical at the same time. I felt a true connection to Margaret and I was eternally grateful for sharing her teachings with me. At the end of our session, Margaret told me that I would be receiving a Spirit Helper. Whoa! That is pretty cool I thought. Not sure what that means but I thought it was great just the same.

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I was especially fixated on this one male dancer who had on a different fur pelt hat (unfortunately I do not remember what kind of fur it was) when something amazing happened. Directly in front of me a small grandfather (small rock) was tossed at my feet from another dimension. I couldn’t see where it had come from as it appeared out of the air, but it was as if there was an invisible person standing directly in front of me who tossed the grandfather to me. I knew instinctively that it was for me. I carefully picked it up and held it in my hands admiring this amazing gift from Spirit. It is about inch and half in diameter, almost perfectly round, grey in color with a white ring around it. I am sure my eyeballs were as big as saucers and probably my mouth was open in shock. I looked to my friends and asked them if they had just seen that. The girl at the very end said that not only had she seen it but she had also heard it as it entered this dimension. She said it sounded like electricity sounds. I ran over to Margaret cradling the grandfather in my hands. “Look, look” I said to her as I proudly showed her the grandfather. She calmly said, “Well I told you that you would be receiving a helper”. And so the magic continued. If you remember from “My Wakeup Call”, this Ottertail family carries magic with them for sure.

This grandfather was cherished by me until I was directed spiritually to turn it over to my mother while visiting her in South Padre Island on January 3, 2008.

