In the Beams of Light

Last summer I finally got to go camping on the long weekend in August 2014. I say finally, because as the lodge keeper and the Executive Director of the teaching lodge, that has now morphed into the Blue Sky Community Healing Centre, it is difficult to get away from everything. There is always something to do, in addition to caring for ten fur babies (at the time) with the help of my youngest daughter. So getting away to camp, on my own, is a miracle in itself.

At the time, I didn’t know that this would be my final weekend camping at Northern Lights Lake about two hours west of Thunder Bay. The location that we had found about four years earlier was a small camping area called Red Pine Canoe Outfitters located in Kaministiquia, which is close by to a much larger resort with 130 plus lots. I always preferred the out of the way types of locations and this one was originally perfect for us. We did not have running water or electricity and there was only an outhouse but it was quiet and secluded with just a few spots being used. But that weekend was especially noisy and at the end of the weekend, I had made my decision to move my tent trailer back to the city.

So there I was, absolutely in my glory enjoying the peace and quiet and connection to nature in between the times when one of my neighbours had his music blaring. I was always so grateful for my ‘spot’ at this campground as I was all the way to the west of the campgorund, there were no other spots past me, and I was on a sort of mini peninsula. I had easy access to the lake and it seemed like I was there in the bush by myself, if I did not look in the easterly direction. As per my usual camping trips, I was not doing much except drinking in the precious moments spent with the family of eagles living across from my spot on the island and the occasional visits from the little red squirrels while immersed in a book.

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I was especially enjoying this evening as I was peacefully reading a very inspirational book, as there were these beautiful ‘beams of light’ coming from the setting sun to the west. I sometimes refer to these sun rays as God rays. Do you call them something special? So I had beams of light streaming through the little windows of my tent trailer as well as the doorway where I had lowered the screen to get as much sunlight as possible inside my little nest.

As I was laying on my bed reading, something in the corner of my right eye caught my attention in the beams of sunlight. I tried not to move so as not to startle it. It was peaking around a large 1 litre bottle of water that I had sitting on the kitchen table. Then I realized what I was seeing. It was a tiny fairy with a wing span about five inches wide. Her wings were transparent and I could not see what her body looked like as she was concealed by the water bottle. Then she told me about the light. That everything is revealed in the light. All healing is done with the light. As she revealed herself to me in the beams of light, she told me how important the light was. This all happened within seconds and yet I felt like time had stood still. At first, I wondered if I was dreaming but realized that no, I was awake. And of course having the human experience that I am having, I turned my head to look at her and then she was gone.

I am recollecting this story as I am sitting here in Lahaina Maui where I am attending the ‘Writing From Your Soul’ conference hosted by Doreen Virtue and Wayne Dyer June 12 to 14 2015. What better magical place to remember an experience about a fairy. I think about her every time I see beams of light coming in someplace that I am at. I will be eternally grateful to her for her revealing this secret to me.

