Why Does the Lodge have Two Names?

There are two spirits who govern the Lodge: Waabi-ma’iingan (Grey Wolf) and Ozhaawashko-giizhig (Clear Blue Sky). Our lodge is incorporated under Ozhaawashko-giizhig (Clear Blue Sky) Traditional Teaching Lodge.

wolficonWaabi-ma’iingan (Grey Wolf) is the Spirit who governs and protects the Life Teachings left to the earth beings. Every society and nation has an inherent right to these teachings; teachings of universal knowledge and unconditional love, a way to living a healthy balanced lifestyle.
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Ozhaawashko-giizhig (Clear Blue Sky) is the Spirit who governs the sky and its beings. It is She that sends a message through Waabi-ma’iingan to guide the people to live life in beauty. She is the one who calls us to the Lodge.

The Lodge began on October 11, 2005 and was incorporated on September 15, 2006 as a non-profit (we are not yet registered as a charity). Currently the Board of Directors is made up of individuals both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal and we always welcome new Board members! We also have Grandmothers that provide guidance to the Lodge. The mandate of the Lodge is to be inclusive providing a safe and welcoming environment for every one of every ethnic background and all ages.